David Kim
DK Tutoring

David Kim
DK Tutoring
Community Provider Name
DK Tutoring
About Me
I presently work with about 100 students, both homeschool and public school at various levels from 4th grade to high school. While I’ve focused on mostly gifted and advanced students as a tutor, my goal for all my students is to help them reach their fullest potential as students and individuals. My wife and I have four children aged 16, 14, 11, and 2 (yes, 2) whom we have homeschooled through much of their education. In addition to math, I also teach and enjoy playing chess. Please contact me if you’re ever up for a game. 🙂
About My Classes
Next year, I will be offering Pre-Algebra and Algebra to junior high students. I believe that how well a child does in Pre-Algebra is a good indicator of how successful they will be in high school math. It is the last chance to fill in any gaps that might have formed in a student’s understanding through the years before moving on to the complexity of more integrated problems in Algebra 1. Starting with a review of the operations with fractions and decimals, we will expand on these to include negative numbers, exponents and their properties, ratios and proportional relationships, algebraic expressions, solving equations, along with an introduction to linear functions. Some Geometry skills will also be covered as time allows. Algebra 1 will expand on all the skills covered in Pre-Algebra to include systems of linear equations and inequalities, piecewise and absolute value functions, exponential and quadratic functions, and sequences. Algebra 1 is foundational to the rest of high school math, so success in the latter is dependent on a mastery of its skills.
16-20 students $68 \ month
14-15 students $70 \ month
10-13 students $72 \ month
7 – 9 students $75 \ month